Discover your potential

Work with top recruiters and coaches to find your first job out of college and launch your career

About Get a Job

Get a Job is a program and course, complete with personalized coaching and community, designed for upcoming and recent college graduates who are ambitious about finding their first jobs and launching their careers.

Developed by executive recruiting firm Shine Talent, the Get a Job program removes the anxiety and pressure around finding a first job, helping young professionals understand what hiring managers are looking for and preparing them to attack the competitive job market by teaching invaluable networking and interview skills and being by your side throughout the entire process.

Why sign up for Get a Job

Accelerate your job search

Get a Job includes:

Get coached by top talent

Be part of the Career Masters Community

After completing the Get a Job course, young professionals become part of Career Masters which is a community for people who are in the first five years of their career and are ambitious about building their network, growing their knowledge and connecting with other smart professionals.

What you get as a Career Masters subscriber:



Ready to launch your career? Get started below with Get a Job!